
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bumps, Bruises, Summertime, & Giada...

School is officially out, and summer vaca has begun!  However the girls feel, the "summertime argue about everything under the sun war" has begun.  Why they feel the need to argue over every little thing, I'll never know.  Seriously, "Those are my shoes!"  Meanwhile they each have the EXACT same pair.  "That's MY pillow."  There are 6 other pillows on the bed, choose another. I don't remember fighting like that with my sister, maybe because she's 5 years younger.  Like any siblings, we fought, but not over silly things like that!!  Also I always got the, "You're older and should know better" lecture.  No fun.  I guess I just have to keep em busy so they stay out of trouble ;)

Speaking of trouble, we had our first encounter with the emergency room this month!  I don't know what it is about bedtime, but it seems that my kids become dehydrated and their bladders shrink to the size of a pea, because they just cannot get enough to drink, or have to pee every 10 minutes!  That was the case with Miss Cassie Marie, when she got up for the umpteenth time for a drink of water to quench that undeniable thirst... "I'm just sooo thirsty mom!!" (said with a scratchy throat... she better go into acting).   So I gave her a quick drink and sent her off to her room.  Instead of just walking in and going to bed, she decided to skip to her room and fumble on her own two feet sending her head first into her METAL bed frame.  The hubs and I both heard the "CLANG" and looked at each other waiting for the moment she would start screaming.  I run in there to see her sitting there with blood all over her face and her sister crying like it had happened to her.  You know how they say twins feel each others pain, I think it's very true!  Before I could even figure out what happened, I had thrown the girls in the car and was on my way to the ER.  Luckily, she hadn't cracked her head open, just a large lump the size of a golf ball had formed, and she needed only a liquid stitch to keep it closed. Now she's back to her usual self, but she still has a lump which the doc said would be there for up to a year!

About 2 weeks later

For my birthday, the big 26!! ;)  We had an awesome little party with family and friends.  I got a beautiful pink/turquoise bike, new pots and pans, and got to meet Giada de Laurentiis!  For those who don't know me all too well, she is my FAVORITE chef!! We got to talk to her and she signed my cookbooks for me! The girls brought little flowers for her because the were super excited to see her too. Now when I get a new cook book, they think we are going to go meet that chef! :)

Next year is the last year the girls will be in Pre-K.  Unfortunately their birthday falls just after the cutoff for kindergarten so they'll have to wait one more year.  I LOVE the school they are at.  I wish it was an elementary school! However they both will have new teachers and classmates,  most of their friends will be in Kindergarten so they'll have to start all over.  Scarlly made sure I didn't miss any photo ops with her "boyfrans" ;)

Joseph and JR are 2 of her many "frans"  She just bats those lashes and those boys fall all over themselves!! Good lord are we in trouble when she's older!

Cassie is much too bossy for the boys in her class, she knows what she wants, and expects to get it without having to ask twice.  Good for you gal, you keep it that way ;) She instead opted for pictures with her best friend Kylie and her favorite teacher Ms. Kathy.  We will definitely miss them next year!

Well I think that pretty much gets us all caught up... For now ;) With these crazy gals, you never know whats going to happen next and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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