
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 going on 15...

Wow we've been busy these past few weeks!  The girls are doing great in school so far, and thankfully still love it.  (I hope it stays that way)  Now we are starting to decide which elementary school they should go to.  I cannot believe you have to plan ahead so early, we just started school and already we have to plan for next year!

The babes turned 5 this past Wednesday, however, we started celebrating the whole week before that.  Hey, I like to make them feel super special, you're only a kid once right?  My mom always made a big deal out of birthdays/holidays/etc and I always loved it.  Now I'm doing that for my kiddos, but now they think that every Wednesday we will be celebrating their birth, HA, nice try ;).  We had a nice party down at the park and while it was a little warm, I think everybody had a great time!  The girls were mostly excited about the pinatas.  They had busted one at a friends party and insisted on having one two at theirs. They celebrated with a Littlest Pet Shop theme (their new favorite things) which I was so excited about seeing as the day I went to Party City, ALL of the Littlest Pet Shop items were clearanced out to 50 cents!!  I was one happy momma, and they were happy kiddos.

I cannot believe how fast time flies.  It feels like just yesterday I had those girls!  Those first few months were a doozy!  Thank God I had tons of family come help out for the first couple weeks!  Now they do their own things, and have their own little attitudes.  And they are on a cowgirl kick.  They each got a pair of cowgirl boots from Nana & Papa Bristow and LOVE are obssesed with those darn things. 

They've already named their (imaginary) ponies.  I promised them that the second we win the lottery, we'll buy a ranch and get a lot of little ponies. ;)  Than they said that if they can't get a pony, they'll settle for a little brother.. YIKES.. how about we just go play with your cousin ;)  he can even spend the night every now and than! 

Next up is the hubby's and my wedding anniversary!  I got him a new wedding band and a set of chef's knives (so he can cook up some awesome grub).  Thankfully he rarely reads our blog, he won't know what I got him ;)  The girls pretty much let the cat outta the bag on the knives anyways, oh well. 

Well, I'm off for a bit.  Thanks so much for reading our little blog!  Leave a comment to let me know you dropped by! <3