
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Its Raining!!!

From my title you can probably tell that, well, I love when it rains.  Its Arizona so anytime it rains, its a good day.  I think most people who were born here or have lived here for a long time would agree with me. When I see a rainy day in the forecast I get all giddy like a little kid.  Especially now that I can be home most of the time.  Thats the only thing I probably dislike about rain, Im not the best at driving in it. I cant even imagine driving in the snow!

So today was the last day of school until the new year.  I cant believe that its already almost 2011!  This year seems to have flown by.  The girls are going to go crazy without school!  They love school, which I am so happy for, but now without it, I'm going to have to step up my game.  I got these little workbooks, so hopefully they will like those.  So far all they like is the sticker portion of the book.  Most likely I'll have to take them to the library a few times, and maybe the museum.  That should be fun, I havent been there since I was little.  School today consisted of partying for the end of the year, and lots of sugar which I thought would make my kids bounce off the walls.  However, when we got home, it was all drizzly and cold out so I thought it would be fun to get in our footie pajamas and drink some hot cocoa.  Within the hour this is what the scene looked like...

Yeah not quite what I expected!  They were so cozy apparently, and worn out from all the HARD WORK at school that they passed out! My husband came home for lunch and was shocked at how quiet the house was.  He thought something was wrong until I told him that the kids were simply taking a nap!  Its been a LONG time since they have taken naps.  I know most moms lay their kiddies down for one until they are about 4 or 5 but these girls get soooo much energy from naps they werent going to bed till 10 or sometimes even 11 so I nixed the naps and whalla! 8 o'clock bed time no prob!  They sleep through the night until about 9 am so I think thats pretty good.  Dont get me wrong!  If they want to take a nap I let them, I just dont force it and I think it seems to work out great for us.

Unfortunately I did not make peppers today.  I got some more christmas shopping done! Pretty much done now!  I think maybe one more thing and we are good!  Yay!! The girls are also going to make these amazing little things for some family members.  I know its nothing fancy but sometimes I think the homemade gifts are better.  They're from the heart!  Especially from little hands, they just are that much more precious!  If you want to know what it is, shoot me an email, I will post it after Christmas because a few of my followers will be getting this gift and I want them to be excited.  SO send me an email and i'll tell you what it is and how to do it, its PERFECT for little hands to make.  Maybe I'm just too sentimental.. lol I keep EVERYTHING the girls bring home from school.  By the time they're in 1st grade I'll need another storage shed just for their projects. :)

Ok, well I now have a date with my king sized bed and big fluffy pillow.  See ya'll tomorrow!  Goodnight!

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